Orlando Home Inspection, Schedule Inspection | Pricing

Schedule Inspection | Pricing

Scheduling Pricing for home inspection

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Scheduling  Your

Orlando Home Inspection Is Easy!

We have an Orlando Home Inspection Scheduling Process that will ensure you get the schedule you request, you understand what we’ll do (and won’t for that matter) and how much your inspection will cost.

The Process Is This;

  • Call Gordy: 407.461.8825 (confirm we have a possible opening within your time frame.)
  • We will review the inspection address on line and I’ll call you right back to confirm your request. If the property is 1965 or older, additional scheduling may be required as well as additional pricing, ask for details. 
  • Confirm the power and water are on and that your agent or the seller can open and close the property. 
  • You’ll receive your contract by email. Sign and return it.
  • Fee for Services generally are paid at or before the inspection.

You then get a confirming reply and contract that ensures your requested time frame.

Again, we must have a signed contract by you or your representative BEFORE  we can do your inspection.

That’s It! This way, no one gets confused on the day, time and price for Your Orlando Home Inspection. Both you and us, have a recorded record of your request and our commitment.

Pricing For Orlando Home Inspection

Inspection Types

(This is a Base price. Possible additional cost. Related to property condition, age, etc.)

  1.  Standard Orlando Home Inspection: Seller Pre-listing, Buyer pre-purchase: (up to 1500/Sq/Ft)…..$375.00 ($.25/Sq/Ft)           Note: additional Sq/Ft will have a lower price per Sq/Ft. Example: (3,000/Sq/Ft)…$630.00 ($.21/Sq/Ft)
    1. Add WDO – See Pricing Below!
    2. Properties 1965-1975….Add $75.00
    3. Properties  Pre-1965 Call for additional cost
  2. Condo/Townhome: (up to 1000/Sq/Ft)…..$325.00
    1. Add WDO Est…..$140.00 – $200.00 (Must Be Priced By Outside Vendor)
    2. Properties 1965-1975….Add $75.00
    3. Pre-1965 Call for additional cost
  3. Orlando Insurance Inspections
    1. Orlando four-point inspection….$99.00-$250.00
    2. Orlando wind mitigation inspection….$99.00-$150.00
    3. Combination of both….$175.00-$225.00
  4. 11 Month Warranty Inspection:…..(up to 1500/Sq/Ft)…..$325.00
  5. Other types: Call for pricing.


“Recommend Further Review By Qualified Tradesman or Licensed Professional”

There’s rarely an Orlando Home Inspection that I won’t have one or more comments “I recommend further review by a qualified tradesman or licensed professional in a report.

Some of the main reasons are;

  • I’m seeing items, issues or concerns that are beyond my license level of expertise as a Generalist, Certified Home Inspector and/or my qualifications. It would be irresponsible to make comments for issues I’m not licensed or qualified to comment on and I don’t do it.
  • As “Your” home inspector, I have no ones interest in mind but yours. When I recommend further review by a licensed professional, I’m structuring within “Your” home inspection report, a reasonable cause and expectation for you to require the seller, to ensure to you, the items or issues are clearly identified, corrected or otherwise adjusted for in the the price BEFORE YOU CLOSE ON THE PROPERTY.
  • I’m structuring a reasonable cause to have a licensed professional further review the items and issues of concern and obviously that should include a projected cost and time frame for the issues. (Important to both the seller and the buyer)
  • In all cases, any recommendations for further review by licensed professionals, are “Your” responsibility to schedule AND pay for. Example: additional inspections by others on properties pre-1965. Such as the electrical.

This is so important to you because it could mean “numerous licensed professionals” need to be involved at your expense. While this may seem frustrating, it should be clear, it’s you, my client, that I’m making every effort to protect. So please do not ignore “Recommendation For Further Review By A Qualified Tradesman Or  Licensed Professional” AND HAVE THEM FURTHER REVIEW And Advise “BEFORE” YOU CLOSE!

Experience, Certified & Trusted Home Inspector In Orlando

Call Gordy

Orlando’s Best Home Inspection, LLC

Orlando, Fl 32806







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