Orlando 4 point inspection | Orlando four point inspection

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Orlando Four Point Inspection


An Orlando four point inspection is required when a home owner needs to renew their Orlando home owners insurance policy, or, when a buyer purchases an older home and needs homeowner insurance. Underwriters are now much stricter, than in recent years, on what risk they’re willing to take. So almost all require a qualified, Orlando four point inspector, do the inspection before issuing a policy for homeowners insurance.

It is an inspection that is much less involved than a regular home inspection and it includes the following items;

  • Roof system
  • HVAC System (Heating Ventilation, Air Conditioning)
  • Electrical
  • Plumbing

What are some examples of issues that could cause a policy to be denied?

  • A roof in poor condition and older than the underwriters age acceptance. Depending on the roofing material, the end of the “Useful Life” is always considers. Each material, by design, has a projected “Useful Life”. They also want see at least five years of remaining “Useful Life”.
  • HVAC System that has reached the end of its useful life and/or show signs of water damage anywhere in the system and that has ductwork in poor condition, leaking damage, etc. Often, a system is upgraded and only the interior air handler and exterior condensing unit area replaced, leaving the original ductwork in place. In some instances, when the duct are in serviceable condition, that’s appropriate, but often it’s not.
  • Electrical panels that are obsolete or otherwise deemed unsafe. There are numerous known brands that have been identified as possible fire and electrocution hazards. Another known concern is solid branch Aluminum wiring.
  • Plumbing supply/drain and venting lines that are in poor condition, made of certain materials, such as polybutylene piping, cast iron, galvanized piping, etc. generally won’t be accepted and require replacement.
  • Nonprofessional, unlicensed work as well as unpermitted improvements are always a concern.


  • A one-story home takes about an hour to an hour and half. A one-story home cost $99.00 for the four point inspection. Note however, an additional trip charge may be required depending on the property’s location.
  • Anything above one story requires that we look at the home to determine what is required to access the upper levels. We then price accordingly.

Does an Orlando four point inspection include an Orlando wind mitigation inspection?

It does not. A wind mitigation is a different inspection that is not always “REQUIRED” by the insurance company, but often may save you money on your insurance premiums. A one-story home cost $99.00. We discount the prices of a four point and wind mitigation inspection when both are done at the same time. Call us for details on the savings.

A 4 point inspection Orlando Florida is just a given requirement for older homes these days, depending on the underwriters requirements and age of the home, type of construction and location, as well as many home owner insurance renewals.    

The four point inspection, not to be confused with an Orlando wind mitigation inspection,  is is generally required by insurance companies,  when you buy an older home, or possibly when you renew your home owners insurance. 

Florida’s insurance industry, in general,  has suffered billions of dollars of storm damage claims in recent years. As a result, property insurance rates have soared. 

Underwriters have become more strict on the risk they are willing to take. 

They require certain standards of service, as well as, certain periods of remaining “Useful Life” for the four main system of a home. The HVAC system, electrical system, the plumbing system and the roof.

There are numerous “known concerns” with different years of construction as well as specific product types and manufactures. 

With a four point inspection, we report on your homes basic systems for:

  • general function
  • manufacture dates
  • remaining useful life
  • and, the permit and inspection history for both original construction, as well as any upgrades or renovations done to the property. 

It is possible an underwriter may require improvements or upgrades for specific items. Such as a new roof, electrical and plumbing upgrade and proof the proper permits and inspections were done.  Or, they may simply refuse to insure the property based on it’s age, construction type and overall condition. 

Get Your Insurance "BEFORE" The Storms Get Here!

Call Today And Save On Four Point & Wind Mitigation Inspections

OBHI offers great pricing for Orlando Four point inspection in Orlando and Orlando wind mitigation inspections

In conclusion, Orlando’s Best Home Inspection offers great pricing for all your home owners insurance inspections. 

We expect to see the cost of insurance premiums, as well as stricter requirements and guidelines, continue to increase in the coming years.  

Call us and get an Orlando four point inspection today! 

That way, you will know the condition of your home, any possible insurance challenges for a home owners policy and be better prepared when it’s time to buy or renew your Orlando Home Owners Insurance. Remember, we offer just about any home inspection services you will ever need…In house or through trusted referrals! 

Frequently Ask Questions

How long are four point inspections good for in Florida?

It varies, but generally speaking, one year. Some underwriters, a little longer.

How much does an Orlando point inspection in Orlando cost?

OBHI charges $99.00 for a one story home located in Orlando.  An additional trip charge may added for further distances as well as for more than one story. 

How long does the 4 point inspection take and how is the report delivered?

It generally takes about an hour and the report comes through email. Usually within 24 hours and often, the same day. 

Call Gordy

Orlando’s Best Home Inspection, LLC

Orlando, Fl 32806







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